Monday, September 26, 2011


Name of the book: Anannya

Writer: Nirupama Borgohain

Publisher: Aank Baak

Pages: 384

Price: Rs 140

Nirupama Borgohain needs no introduction to the Assamese reader; she is a versatile writer who has enriched our literature with the bulk of her creative writings.

Her new publication, Anannya, is a biographical novel based on the life and achievements of Indira Devi, the founder-headmistress of T.C. Girls’ High School, Guwahati.

The novel is divided into two sections. In the first, the sincere longing for learning of a little damsel from an interior backward village Baghjanp and the different odds and adversities that had befallen her are narrated. In course of the narration, the reader is provided with glimpses of the freedom struggle in which Indira’s father Dharmakanta Borkataky participated actively and suffered. He lost his job and was imprisoned; but he was concerned about the education of his daughters. He brought them to Nagaon, and that was the turning point of Indira’s life. But for that decision, Indira’s life might have taken a different course.

Indira’s marriage to Barada Sarma was arranged before she had attained puberty. He was a very impressive character. A post-graduate, he knew the importance of education, and he did everything possible for his part for Indira’s education. To him, the cause of her education was greater than everything else.

Educating a married girl was an ordeal in those days, and Barada braced himself for it and provided guidance and encouragement to his wife.

After graduation from Cotton College she started her teaching career at Nagaon. Barada Sarma had left Shillong to join the newly incepted school at Raha; it was a very crucial period of Indira’s life. Then her husband passed away, and the young widow was all at sea.

The second section deals with the establishment of T.C. Girls’ School and Indira’s association with it. It was again her loving and foresighted father who shifted her to Guwahati and managed her a job in the new school. The novelist gives details of how some great minds were instrumental in fortifying the school; and also how Indira toiled hard for the same.

A great teacher contributes a lot towards moulding the students; Nirupama Borgohain acknowledges this truth with gratitude to her teacher; she recapitulates the quality education that the teachers had imparted under able stewardship of Indira Devi.

She has depicted the noble teacher with love, reverence and admiration. The novelist is proud of her Alma Mater; but laments that its glory has faded away.

Anannya is a saga of a dedicated teacher who possessed the morale to rise to any occasion to make life worth living.

The book, with a nice title page, is well printed. Aank Baak deserves thanks for this beautiful publication.


Published on July 29; 2011

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